One of the things I like about reading blogs is that they're so incredibly voyeuristic. And honestly, who doesn't enjoy a little casual peeking into other people's lives? Today on my way to work I nearly got into an accident because the huge truck in front of me rubbernecked a fire. So today you get to know more about me! Susan from one of my favorite beauty blogs,
Going Green Glamorously tagged me for a facts meme, so here we go!
Questions from Susan
1) What are your favorite websites to waste time on?
Besides the standard ones like Tumblr and Facebook, I'm a huge fan of
Geekologie, I spend years on
Beautylish, and
FailBlog. Basically anything that makes me laugh or has to do with makeup.
2) Where's your favorite place to shop for makeup?
Sephora is probably a copout answer. I will say that besides Sephora, I love love love
Sugarpill. Seriously, when I get a yen to buy eye makeup, I go here first. I also love a lot of smaller shops too.
Shiro makes mineral shadows and amazing lip products, and I'm also digging
VictorianDisco. ... but yeah, I love Sephora most.
3) What's your favorite physical feature?
On me? I love my eyes and mouth. I tend to play up one or the other, usually my eyes - I think my mouth is usually best served by plain gloss.
BB Cream hates the flash, but yeah, this makes me happy. On my eyes, I've used all of Sugarpill's Burning Heart palate, their loose shadow in Decora, and BadGal liner/mascara by Benefit. |
4) What's your favorite magazine?
I love
Whole Living - I read it the way some girls read Cosmo. I also love
Bust - it's Girlie feminism at its best. I can't read most "standard" fashion magazines - I don't need dating advice, I don't need to know how to kiss a boy, and I sue as hell don't need sex tips. Dammit.
5) What's your favorite decade of music?
I'm a child of the 80s, but I love a lot of music from the 1970s. My father raised me on classic rock, so I'm never happier than when I'm bopping around to Golden Earring or Foreigner or Journey. It's like coming home and having a hot bath - totally cozy and happy.
6) What's your favorite hobby?
I love writing. Love love love. I love writing fiction, I love writing this blog, I love writing for writing's sake. It's the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I go to bed. It's my hobby and my passion.
7) What was your major in college or your favorite subject in high school?
Predictably, my favorite subject in high school
and my major in college was English with a focus in Creative Writing. I read constantly, I write constantly, and writing a beauty blog just seemed like a really natural progression. It was an easy way to meld two things I really love.
8) Would you rather be a rock star or the president?
A rock star, totally. Being the president is way too much responsibility for me. I think it's a job that if you're willing to take on easily, you probably aren't ready for it.
9) Boxers or briefs? :)
On guys? Boxerbriefs! They're the best thing ever, and kind of hot.
10) If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would love to be able to talk to animals. My cats are a huge part of my life, and it would be nice to understand what they're saying more than I already do. (They have very distinctive meows, so I already know a little bit of what they're saying.)
11) What's your dream job?
I'd love to write for the Weekly World News, but alas, they're gone now. I don't know what to do in my dream world now!
But yes, this is me, and I leave you with this - my second favorite eyeshadow in the world, Urban Decay's Fishnet.
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Urban Decay, ilu. |