
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Nail Madness - Deborah Lippmann "Candy Shop"

This is an old color; I think it came out last year at Christmas.  I had really no desire to try it then - I'm not usually a bubblegum girl.  Usually I squee over greens and blacks and puples.  But my mother had bought this because she is indeed a bubblegum girl and thought it was the prettiest thing ever.  But then she remembered how much she hates glitter polish and asked me if I wanted it.  I'd heard good things about it, and heck, free polish, why not?

I was pretty dubious about the application, but it honestly wasn't that bad.  The pink is a jelly, but after enough coats to get a decently even amount of glitter dispersion, the pink is pretty decently opaque.  I think the saving grace that keeps this polish from girlie overload is the variety of glitter in it - it's got every color in the rainbow, and all of it shiny.  I've actually gotten more compliments on this than any other polish I've ever worn.  It's just so damn interesting - I find myself looking at it periodically and just smiling.  For that reason, I'm sure I went overboard taking photos.  Enjoy anyway!

These were taken after about three or four days of wear.  I used China Glaze strong adhesion basecoat, three coats of Candy Shop, and two coats of Seche Vite (it was kinda bumpy after just one).  If you're not as lucky to get a freebie from a compulsive shopper in your family, you can get Lippmanns at a lot of places.  I like, if only because they have a really liberal return policy.  How do you feel about glitterbombs?  How do you feel about pink?  Do you have a crazy shopaholic in your family?

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